*If you have joined the research network and you have registered a User account for the blogging community here, you may comment on and submit blog posts.
**As of 4/8/17 the blog is no longer English-only. Please feel free to post in any language.
Hover on the black bar at the top of the screen where it says “+ New” and then click where it says “Post.” You will be directed to a blank post.
Give your post a title. Use the “Visual” tab as you would a normal text editor. Use the “Text” tab if you want to use your own html tags to your post. If you have a picture that you would like to be presented with your blog post, scroll down to the bottom of the right sidebar, click where it says “set featured image,” and upload your picture per the instructions there.
Go to the right sidebar under where it says “Categories” and select a category (select “Uncategorized” if you can’t find any other one which fits).
To have your post proofread by computer, click on the icon that says “ABC” above a check mark. This icon is in the top bar of the “Visual” text editor. When you are done, click the blue box that says “Submit for Review.” If you would like further proofreading help with English grammar and syntax, submit a contact form in addition to submitting your post. Explain your request in the contact form.
All blog submissions will be accepted and posted, provided they do not contain hate speech, and are not clearly outside of the general theme of the research network – cupcake recipes or reviews of sporting equipment, for example, are unlikely to be accepted. Otherwise, expect your post to go up within 24-48 hours, if not sooner.
If you have any further questions, please visit the FAQ page or submit a contact form.
- Online Conference on Erich Fromm - April 20, 2022
- The Society of the Selfie: Social Media and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy - January 23, 2022
- It’s all about Warnock and Ossoff now - November 13, 2020