INTRODUCTION Robert Kirsch and Sarah Surak
:ARTICLESConference Plenary: When Liberation Movements Become One-Dimensional: On Critical Theory and Intersectionality Arnold L. Farr, Amahlia L. Perry-Farr and Louisa N. Perry-Farr
The Rationality of Philosophy
Herbert Marcuse
Beyond the One-Dimensional University: A Marcusean Critique of Outcomes Assessment
Brandon Absher
Critical Pedagogy in the Neoliberal University: Reflections on the 2015 York University Strike through a Marcusean Lens
Dean Caivano, Rodney Doody, Terry Maley and Chris Vandenberg
The Counterrevolutionary Campus: Herbert Marcuse and the Suppression of Student Protest Movements
Bryant William Sculos and Sean Noah Walsh
Displaying Garbage: Installations as Spaces of Domination and Resistance
Sarah Surak
Herbert’s Herbivore: One-Dimensional Society and the Possibility of Radical Vegetarianism
Katherine E. Young
Are We the Walking Dead? Zombie Apocalypse as Liberatory Art
Nancy D. Wadsworth
Marcuse: A Critic in Counterrevolutionary Times
Silvio Ricardo Gomes Carneiro
Crisis and Commonwealth: Marcuse, Marx, McLaren
Review by Aaron Major
The Dialectics of Liberation
Review by David Schultz
Paris Lectures at Vincennes University, 1974: Global Capitalism and Radical Opposition
Review by Jeffery L. Nicholas
Douglas Kellner
The Rationality of Philosophy
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