Bandwagon of truth cherishes the not. Negation proves the singularity of truth, echo of Philosophers wisdom. Who is nearby to negate the not? To further emanate the ‘in-itself’, to bear the ‘for-itself’ being. It is a locus of movement, not tied to any particular moment. Yet, there are particular, which makes the torpor of ‘for-itself’ being easy. The communicating gesture of ‘in-itself’ towards ‘for-itself’ annihilates self, for the emanation of being with ‘for-itself’. Ground of meaning is the essence ‘in-itself’, the singular being, in movement over the same plane, the contextual ground, which soon overtakes itself as ‘for-itself’ other. In polished manner, the tropes of singularity evokes the utterance – ground ‘in-itself’ is the essence. Essence proves the ground, in other ways. It is the auspicious singularity, unpardoned the impurity of catastrophic ‘for-itself’ other. Meaning is not which is out there as readymade objectal reference, to be grasped and made meaningful for the observer. Rather ‘it-is’ the meaning. It has its own ground, which provides the context of its meaning. The text is embedded in its context. Thus, it is the graphic analytic of meaning. What then will be meaning as it is? How is it communicated? It embarrasses iconicity of single trope to wholesomeness. How meaning of a certain contextual ground is communicated? A text is being with ‘for-itself’, embedded in its contextual anecdotes and references. For communication, producing meaning is commerce of mind. The meaning is uttered around certain notion of a concept, built around the ground ‘in-itself’, as static essence. It belongs to the realm of concept. Like the mundane commerce, concept has its own use value, in the syntax of philosophical utterance. The utterance communicates the use-value of the concept, and through the utterance itself, as it is communicated towards the other stationary self, the use-value becomes exchange value. So, in a sense, philosophical discourses are built upon a contextual limit, where the wholesome singularity of meaning is reflected back onto the context itself. De-contextualization is the point, from where the ‘for-itself’ being starts its topographic alignment with the concept of meaning, uttered, hopefully Philosophical. So it is evident, that in the context of philosophical discussion, through the process of de-contextualizing the context, or the embeddedness of meaning in the process of concept building, where, through the topography of the uttering self, concept as use –value, becomes the its own exchange value. Ground of meaning is not, as it is limited in the context. Ground ‘in-itself’ produces its essence, which on the other hand, through philosophical discourses, becomes from use-value into exchange value. So meaning is not out there, waiting for the onlookers to be consumed and made meaning ful. Meaning is embedded the contextual ground, which further in philosophical discourses is produced as a self in transition, the distance travelling being as a concept, which produces it own meaning. Thus in Philosophical discourses, use –value, stationed as the meaning of ground, takes the driver’s seat, and through limit distance travel, becomes its own exchange value. The ground’s essence is thus decontextualized as the production of meaning. Essence is both use and exchange value.
- Everyday Absences - October 21, 2020
- 3 New Writings - September 13, 2020
- Waiting - September 12, 2020