Spaces of Immanence

Spaces journeys through its thorough stillness. It offers itself through its ad-hoc three dimensional pictoriality.  Pictoriality lands and shrinks its “for-itself” otherized selfhood into two-dimensional imagified immanent spacehood. Space as condensed rubric of objective truth maker is spatially denotative. In the realm of reflection, spaces are used to confer upon itself its own terms of three dimensional limit, of pictoriality. Pictoriality as three dimensional immanent imagination utters the genus of spatial obverse limitation which surrounds the concept of space.  Space is detached, from homing under the sky, in fourfold toil and belief of mankind.  What there is, it is. Such objectivity rules the olfactory nerves of rhythmic change of our spacing home. Home will reckon the hearty welcoming of visitors, from the outer limit of spatiality; the images of self’s extension enter our house. They are reflected imagified objective souls, which corresponds to three dimensional immanent pictorial scenes.  We run havoc with our guests, the imagified relics of brotherhood is diminished for three dimensional pictorial selfhood of the other. Yet it is momentary, and self reckons as being, to be, with the ‘they’, hereness as thereness. Neighbour homes beside us. 

The real corrugates as spatialdom which merely serves the otherized being, self in movement. The stasis of self is to be homely with spatial connotative denotation. Man evokes strategies to cope with the haphazard toiling within mis-managed spaces. Image imminently objectifies the real, and in turn is elongated as immanent pictoriality. Picture post-cards hollows the addressee to make things illusive for the homing aspect of mankind. It weaves dream. Picture, the elegant. The images sell the real. The real again brings in the shape of two-dimensionality. The connish objective. The objectively real is elongated again as addressed pictoriality, the three-dimensionality. Pictoriality survives through the spectral return of its own soul upon the body of imagified two dimensionality. The picture post-card image building survives, after its death, as a return in the specified realm of imagified objects. As spectral spaces of immanence. This time it is an imminent return of the spectral projection of past spaces. It is an accord between time and space. Both returns, as spaces of immanence. In terms of spacing in time, image and pictoriality stands in a quantitative relation. Spaces delimit time and reckons the imminent time as pure immanent futural. Here the fifth dimension of time, the ‘thought-matter’ corrugates to qualitative change, which even the fourth limit dimension of spatial time can’t. And we wait for the hereness of futural Messianic explosivity.

Jeet Bhattacharya
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