Critical Theory and Southern Theory online roundtable (videos)

October 19, 2019, with Bruno Costa, Dalal Sarnou, Silvio Carneiro, and Jeremiah Morelock.

Video 1/4:

  • Jeremiah Morelock – brief introduction
  • Bruno Costa – “Critical theory and critical consciousness: Paulo Freire´s philosophy in the global South”

Video 2/4:

  • Dalal Sarnou – A Bennabian View of Civilization: On the specificity of Islamic Civilization
  • Silvio Carneiro – “How to think against coloniality?”

Video 3/4:

  • Discussion of ideas from Malek Bennabi, Enrique Dussel, Paulo Freire, and Theodor Adorno.

Video 4/4:

  • Discussion of translation of concepts and academic texts.

About the participants:

Bruno Botelho Costa is professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espirito Santo (IFES). He hold a PhD in Education from University of Campinas (Unicamp, 2017). His areas of research envolve philosophy of education, teaching philosophy, critical pedagogy, Paulo Freire, epistemologies of the South, philosophy of liberation, Brazilian and Latin American philosophy. Recent works include COSTA, Bruno B. Paulo Freire and the Movements of Popular Culture´s Educational Philosophy, in TORRES, Carlos (ed.). The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.

Dr. Dalal Sarnou is an associate professor (at the department of English, Mostaganem university) and a poetess. She is involved in many areas including particularly Arab women writings and world literatures. She has already published a number of academic papers, a series of poems on electronic websites and two books with LAMBERT publishing. She is currently involved in newly explored areas like liminality, electronic discourse, digital humanities and educational technology. 

Prof. Dr. Silvio Carneiro is a scholar in the fields of Critical Theory, Contemporary Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, and Philosophy of Psychoanalysis. His PhD thesis is entitled “Power over Life: Marcuse and Biopolitics”. He is a professor at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), in Brazil. He conducts his research work on Education as a member of the Rede Escola Pública e Universidade (Network for Public Schools and Universities) and of the DiEPEE/UFABC (Research Group on Education Rights, Educational Policies, and Schools). His work as a member of the International Herbert Marcuse Society has, as its focus, Critical Theory, Education, Psychoanalysis, and Politics. He is the coordinator of the Brazilian segment of international project Extimacies: Critical Theory from the Global South, in the context of which he inquires into the dialectics of violence, with a particular emphasis on the dual role of violence as a significant component in both revolutionary emancipation and totalitarian Terror. Some of his papers can be found at

Jeremiah Morelock

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