Call for Papers: Critical Theory and Media Studies Online Conference

CTRN is accepting submissions for a Critical Theory and Media Studies online conference to take place on Saturday, June 16th, 2018. The conference will consist of several panels of 3-4 presenters.

If you wish to present at the conference, email an abstract (150-250 words) of your presentation, along with a brief bio (50-100 words), to Jeremiah Morelock at

Priority will be given to the following:

a) papers on the Frankfurt School

b) papers from CTRN members

The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, April 6.

Send any questions to Jeremiah Morelock at

Help Fund CTRN in 2018!

To contribute, visit the campaign page here.

In Short

Founded in October, 2016, the Critical Theory Research Network (CTRN) helps connect people interested in Critical Theory from all over the world. CTRN does not charge member dues, and is not beholden to the distorting demands of outside companies or institutions. It is a public sphere where Critical Theory scholars can meet, exchange ideas, and coordinate projects. Spaces like this are a crucial way to keep communities of scholarly inquiry vibrant and free from the neoliberal pressures that constrain so many of today’s universities.

Keeping the website up costs money. Since CTRN does not generate revenue, the website is currently funded by one person out-of-pocket. In 2017 it cost $496 to maintain. With a modest number of donations to this campaign, the community could generate funding top cover all costs for the website through 2018.


What We Need & What You Get

To cover costs of the website for another year, we need to raise $496. This includes:

  • web hosting ($6/month)
  • wordpress site ($9/month)
  • premium theme ($24/year)
  • Jetpack Premium ($9/month)
  • domain ($35/year)
  • a certificate to keep the website secure ($149/year)

The campaign includes a “Gramsci Raffle” – contributors who give $10 or more are entered for the chance to win a complete 3-volume, 2000+ page set of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks, normally available for $77. There will be only one winner, but any number of people can enter the raffle until our goal amount of $573 – the cost of website plus cost of Prison Notebooks – is reached.

To contribute, visit the campaign page here.


Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you cannot afford a contribution, you can still provide key support by letting others know about this campaign. Please share on social media to help us reach our goal!