Herbert Marcuse and the New Culture Wars: Campus Codes, Hate Speech, and the Critique of Pure Tolerance

“The contemporary movement that seeks to restrict liberty on campus arose specifically in the provocative work of the late Marxist political and social philosopher Herbert Marcuse . . .”  ―Alan Charles Kors and Harvey A. Silverglate In recent years highly publicized educational commentators, like David Horowitz (2006a, 2006b, 2000), and Alan Charles Kors and Harvey … Read more

Adorno – Lecture 2 on Negative Dialectics: “The Negation of Negation” (11/11/1965)

This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape.  Adorno rejects the Hegelian principle that the second negation is an affirmation. Whoah! Hold on there! Okay back up… Hegel’s Dialectic Hegel’s dialectic … Read more

Bureaucratically Distorted Communication: The Case of Managed Mental Health Care

My recent article from Social Theory & Health 14(4), September 2016. Abstract Mental health treatment providers today are subject to insurance company regulation. Using grounded theory to analyze 33 interviews of treatment providers, I portray this regulation as a form of surveillance that operates through discourse, and ask how treatment providers communicate with and through this system. … Read more

Adorno – Lecture 1 on Negative Dialectics: “The Concept of Contradiction” (11/9/1965)

This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape. Adorno denotes non-identity as a central motif of his negative dialectics, distinguishing it from the more typical ‘positive’ dialectics epitomized in Hegel. In … Read more

Habermas on Brexit and the EU crisis

*This interview is reblogged from Zeit Online, originally published 7/12/2016. The players resign Core Europe to the rescue: a conversation with Jürgen Habermas about Brexit and the EU crisis. Interview: Thomas Assheuer DIE ZEIT: Mr Habermas, did you ever think Brexit would be possible? What did you feel when you heard of the Leave campaign’s … Read more

Towards a New Manifesto

*This is reblogged from The Utopian, originally posted on 6/27/2012. By Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer. “We cannot call for the defence of the Western world.” In 1956, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer sat down to write an updated version of the Communist Manifesto. These are previously unpublished notes from their discussions. 12 March 1956 … Read more

Building the Theory and Practice for an Alternate World System

This appeared in the Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory Vol. 1. Issue 2  earlier this year. The power of our forces must be mobilized. The Commonwealth Counter-Offensive Charles Reitz   A group of radical scholar/activists with whom I have been working has attempted to assess our contemporary political-economic conditions in a tentative and provisional manner … Read more