“Teoria crítica como fundamento para análise do populismo e do autoritarismo” e “Neoliberalismo progressista e o momento populista”

Unesp, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 11/8/2018. “Critical theory as foundation for the analysis of populism and authoritarianism/Teoria crítica como fundamento para análise do populismo e do autoritarismo” (Jeremiah Morelock) e “Neoliberalismo progressista e o momento populista” (Felipe Ziotti Narita)

Der anarchistische Ruf nach dem gerechten Staat

Der folgende Artikel von mir wurde zuvor in “Tsveyfl – dissensorientierte Zeitschrift” Nr. 1, 2017 veröffentlicht. ————————————————– “Wir treten ein für eine Flüchtlingspolitik, die menschenrechtliche Grundsätze ernst nimmt. Dazu bieten uns die anstehenden Wahlen keine Möglichkeit. Denn alle Parteien in Baden-Württemberg waren zuletzt Teil einer ganz großen Koalition, die massive Einschränkungen der Rechte von Flüchtlingen … Read more

HEROJI KAPITALISTIČKOG RADA: Pod lažnim imenom novinarka promijenila pet teških i mizerno plaćenih poslova

Re posted from lupiga.com,  SOFIJA KORDIĆ,  22. RUJNA 2017. Češka novinarka pod lažnim identitetom u samo pola godine promijenila je pet teških, mizerno plaćenih poslova. Njezina svjedočanstva o uvjetima nekvalificiranog rada uzdrmala su javnost i privukla medijsku i društvenu pozornost na zaboravljene moderne robove. “Nakon sat i pol imala sam osjećaj da sam u praonici cijelu … Read more

«Ο Βασιλιάς είναι γυμνός!»: λόγος και λογοκρισία σήμερα

«Ο Βασιλιάς είναι γυμνός!»: λόγος και λογοκρισία σήμερα   γράφει η Δρ Βασιλική Παπαγεωργίου Εθνολόγος- Κοιν. Ανθρωπολόγος πηγή εικόνας: https://gr.pinterest.com/pin/535154368193325024/?lp=true   Περιστατικά λογοκρισίας εκφράζουν αμφισβητούμενες όψεις του κοινωνικού μας κόσμου, και –κάτι που δεν είναι εμφανώς αναγνωρισμένο – τον αγώνα γύρω από το δικαίωμα στο λόγο, στην εγκυρότητα του περιεχομένου αλλά και του φορέα του … Read more

Photography, Testimony and Death (discretion advised)

If you can see, look. If you can look, observe. José Saramago We all die alone. There is no knowing what comes to one’s mind in the suspended time of our departure. It is known that, on their deathbeds, Turner claimed the Sun to be God, and that Goethe asked for more light. What this meant, … Read more

Regarding Postcolonial Sociology

Marx, Weber and Durkheim are often accredited with being a kind of triadic foundation to classical sociological theory. All three of them dealt with issues pertaining to the historical development of capitalism and the rise of modernity. In this way, sociology was from its inception a discipline oriented toward theorizing modernity and diagnosing its ills. … Read more

A Farewell to Praxis? A Commentary on the Badiou-Gauchet Debate

*Image via Wikimedia Commons Felipe Ziotti Narita São Paulo State University (Unesp) – SP, Brazil In an insightful essay published in the late 1960s, Marcuse (1969, 27) argues that the concept of revolution in Marxian theory encompasses a double movement: if the concept is deeply interwoven with the historical horizon and its conditions, it is … Read more

Ruth Wodak: “Right-wing populism is surging on both sides of the Atlantic – here’s why”

Right-wing populism is surging on both sides of the Atlantic – here’s why Ruth Wodak, Lancaster University On both sides of the Atlantic, right-wing populist parties are enjoying another moment in the sun. In Europe, the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) recently doubled its vote in a state election. Fellow travellers are making headway across Europe … Read more

Fetishized Object Collection or Global Collectivism in Ai Weiwei’s 4 Gallery Show

Ai Weiwei’s rhizomatic four gallery show (NYC, Fall 2016) may be the perfect opportunity to revisit the post-colonial argument brought to light by Thomas McEvilley’s review of MoMA’s 1984 exhibition  “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art. The essence of McEvilley’s inquiry being: By placing an Other in the cannon of contemporary art are we undercutting that Other’s “reality … Read more

A Response to Frantz Fanon’s ‘Black Skin, White Masks’

*This is reblogged from The Frantz Fanon Blog. It is written by Jonis Ghedi Alasow, originally posted 4/8/2014. Frantz Fanon’s 1952 book, Black Skin, White Masks, is one of the most interesting and insightful books I have ever read. Fanon sets out his discussion with the intention of showing the “various attitudes the Negro adopts in … Read more