#TheoryRevolt: Theses on Theory and History

#TheoryRevolt Theses on Theory and History by Wild On Collective (Ethan Kleinberg, Joan Wallach Scott, and Gary Wilder) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The original posting from May 2018 is at theoryrevolt.com. You can down load a pamphlet-ready pdf copy here.   PROLOGUE: DEDICATED TO CLIO, MUSE OF HISTORY Sing Clio, daughter … Read more

The Age of Vestigial Politics

Colorized print of the Flammarion engraving (artist unknown.) The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.1 – Antonio Gramsci For myth changes while custom remains constant; men continue to do what their fathers did before them, though … Read more

Obscure Subjects: Myth and Metapolitics on the alt-Right

The return of fascism, from the alt-Right, to the expansion of white supremacist hate groups, to the upsurge in the KKK, to the rise of the more moderate, “alt-Lite” groups such as the Proud Boys is not a dress rehearsal. Nor are these groups purely an online, meme-driven phenomenon. These movements are like old ghosts … Read more

Photography, Testimony and Death (discretion advised)

If you can see, look. If you can look, observe. José Saramago We all die alone. There is no knowing what comes to one’s mind in the suspended time of our departure. It is known that, on their deathbeds, Turner claimed the Sun to be God, and that Goethe asked for more light. What this meant, … Read more

How did Situationism Influence Art History?

I am reposting this article/originaly posted in WideWalls by Andrey V. It is rare for an art movement to be completely original. The go forward meanings of avant-garde do not mean that its movements are a tabula rasa and this is certainly true for Situationism. Spurred by many previous concepts, this artistic and political movement … Read more