Obscure Subjects: Myth and Metapolitics on the alt-Right

The return of fascism, from the alt-Right, to the expansion of white supremacist hate groups, to the upsurge in the KKK, to the rise of the more moderate, “alt-Lite” groups such as the Proud Boys is not a dress rehearsal. Nor are these groups purely an online, meme-driven phenomenon. These movements are like old ghosts … Read more

«Ο Βασιλιάς είναι γυμνός!»: λόγος και λογοκρισία σήμερα

«Ο Βασιλιάς είναι γυμνός!»: λόγος και λογοκρισία σήμερα   γράφει η Δρ Βασιλική Παπαγεωργίου Εθνολόγος- Κοιν. Ανθρωπολόγος πηγή εικόνας: https://gr.pinterest.com/pin/535154368193325024/?lp=true   Περιστατικά λογοκρισίας εκφράζουν αμφισβητούμενες όψεις του κοινωνικού μας κόσμου, και –κάτι που δεν είναι εμφανώς αναγνωρισμένο – τον αγώνα γύρω από το δικαίωμα στο λόγο, στην εγκυρότητα του περιεχομένου αλλά και του φορέα του … Read more

Bureaucratic Socialism, or, Žižek and the Illusion of a Future

Slavoj Žižek has finally revealed his cards. Up to this point Žižek has given out various hints in talks and essays—which float in the digital ether like mushroom spore—that what must be theorized is not the exalted moment of revolt but what is to happen the day after. He has expressed this sentiment over the … Read more

Umair Haque: “(Why) The Resistance is Losing”

The following is from Bad Words.

The Muslim ban is in effect. The info shock-troops are attacking journalists daily. There are open calls for violence from major national institutions like the NRA. Hate crimes are spiking.

Sorry. But: the resistance is losing. And it is losing badly.

Forgive me. This is going to be a brutal little essay. And it needs a disclaimer. As a brown person, it’s easy for me to be accused of being the enemy. Somehow, we always are. So let’s be clear. I don’t want authoritarianism to win.

And yet it is. How come? Because resistance isn’t nearly enough to defeat authoritarianism. resistance is not an opposition. What’s the difference? Everything.

Let me give you a small parable.

Today I read a tweet from Jon Favreau. I think he was Obama’s former speechwriter or adviser, at any rate he’s a powerful Democrat. He said (to paraphrase): “the right wing is buying up the media! This is bad guys!”. Sure, it is. Now how are we to “resist” that? We can’t. We can only oppose it — with real policies. Media is a natural monopoly. Natural monopolies tend to be run by cutthroat capitalists. Have you ever heard of a left-wing media acquisition spree? Neither have I. Because of these simple economics, every other rich country in the world has two things. One, strong media antitrust laws. Two, strong public media, like the BBC or CBC. Without those, media naturally, inevitably, inescapably becomes monopoly, and monopoly soon enough becomes the institutional support authoritarians need to rise.

But Obama never backed any of that, did he? The Dems still don’t, do they? Resistance isn’t enough.

The question is whether a society can genuinely oppose authoritarianism. With a vibrant and inclusive and strong political opposition. That opposition has to stand for what prevents authoritarianism —what limits, circumscribes, and ultimately conquers it — not merely what resists it. Do you see the difference?

Read the full post here

The Revolutionary Power of Memes

In a world that really has been turned on its head, truth is a moment of falsehood.1 — Guy Debord The questions that I am asked more than any others are, “What can we do? What can I do?” In the face of impending doom — which more and more people are beginning to dimly … Read more

Rediscovering Democracy in America

*This essay originally appeared in the December 2016 issue of TC Public Space, a student newspaper at Teachers College, Columbia University. The above image is a colorized print of Philip Dawe’s 1774 cartoon, “The Bostonians Paying the Excise-Man, or Tarring & Feathering.” We must confront a perhaps unsettling fact: Donald Trump may be our opponent, … Read more

Photography, Testimony and Death (discretion advised)

If you can see, look. If you can look, observe. José Saramago We all die alone. There is no knowing what comes to one’s mind in the suspended time of our departure. It is known that, on their deathbeds, Turner claimed the Sun to be God, and that Goethe asked for more light. What this meant, … Read more

Walter Benjamin’s Concept of the Image: the case of Photography

The following text is a transcription of the presentation given at the 19th Annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Media – 15th-17th March 2017. (originally published in: http://gustavoracy.wixsite.com/anthrophilosophy/single-post/2017/03/20/Walter-Benjamins-Concept-of-the-Image-the-case-of-Photography ) With no further ado, allow me to begin this presentation on the concept of image with, precisely, an image. Paul Klee, Angelus Novus, 1920. Oil … Read more