This article by Marcel Stoetzler* was originally published on openDemocracy. Seventy years ago, Querido Verlag published a densely written book that has become a key title of modern social philosophy. Underneath its pessimistic granite surface a strangely sanguine message awaits us. Horkheimer left, Adorno right, Habermas background right, running hand through
Unesp, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 11/8/2018. “Critical theory as foundation for the analysis of populism and authoritarianism/Teoria crítica como fundamento para análise do populismo e do autoritarismo” (Jeremiah Morelock) e “Neoliberalismo progressista e o momento populista” (Felipe Ziotti Narita)
*The following is reposted from Minima Moralia Reflections from the damaged life Part One 1944 Life does not live – Ferdinand Kürnberger 1 For Marcel Proust. – The son of well-to-do parents who, whether out of talent or weakness, chooses a so-called intellectual occupation as an artist or
*The following is reposted from Grassy seat. – The relationship to parents is undergoing a sad, shadowy change. They have lost their awe through their economic powerlessness. Once we rebelled against their insistence on the reality principle, the sobriety which was always ready to recoil into the rage against
*The following is reposted from Fish in water. – Since the comprehensive apparatus of distribution of highly concentrated industry has dissolved the circulation-sphere, this latter begins an astonishing post-existence. While the economic basis for the occupation of go-betweens disappears, the private life of innumerable people becomes that of agents
*The following is reposted from Doctor, that is kind of you. – Nothing is harmless anymore. The small joys, the expressions of life, which seemed to be exempt from the responsibility of thought, not only have a moment of defiant silliness, of the cold-hearted turning of a blind eye,
*The following is reposted from If bad boys should tempt you. – There is an amor intellectualis [Latin: abstract love] for the kitchen staff, the temptation for those who work theoretically or artistically, to relax the intellectual [geistigen] claim on oneself, to lower one’s niveau, to follow all manner
This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape. Adorno denotes non-identity as a central motif of his negative dialectics, distinguishing it from the more typical ‘positive’
This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape. In this project I am only covering Adorno’s Lectures 1 – 10 on Negative Dialectics; my summaries of
This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape. Adorno rejects the Hegelian principle that the second negation is an affirmation. Whoah! Hold on there! Okay back