*This is reblogged from Marxists.org. It is by Murray Bookchin, originally published in 1969. When I first came across this in the 1990s, I have to admit it didn’t speak to me all that much. But now I’m finding it very timely. Much is different now, but much is evidently
Unesp, Franca, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 11/8/2018. “Critical theory as foundation for the analysis of populism and authoritarianism/Teoria crítica como fundamento para análise do populismo e do autoritarismo” (Jeremiah Morelock) e “Neoliberalismo progressista e o momento populista” (Felipe Ziotti Narita)
This post is part of my ongoing blogging project called “Critical Theory Down to Earth.” In these posts I provide summaries of and brief reflections on writings throughout the wider critical theory landscape. The 5th lecture goes further into the topic that Adorno addressed at the end of the 4th lecture:
*The following article by Kevin Surin is reposted from counterpunch, 2/7/17, photo by Karl-Ludwig Poggemann. * * * * * * * There has been much said in the media about Donald Trump’s “populism”, alleged by some to
This appeared in the Heathwood Journal of Critical Theory Vol. 1. Issue 2 earlier this year. The power of our forces must be mobilized. The Commonwealth Counter-Offensive Charles Reitz A group of radical scholar/activists with whom I have been working has attempted to assess our contemporary political-economic conditions in
Slavoj Žižek has finally revealed his cards. Up to this point Žižek has given out various hints in talks and essays—which float in the digital ether like mushroom spore—that what must be theorized is not the exalted moment of revolt but what is to happen the day after. He has
*reposted from www.independent.gr γράφει η Δρ Βασιλική Παπαγεωργίου Εθνολόγος- Κοινωνική Ανθρωπολόγος Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Medgar Wiley Evers Τα επεισόδια στο Σάρλοτσβιλ της Βιρτζίνια, (Charlottesville, Virgnia), αρθρώνονται στην ακολουθία ενός κορμού γεγονότων ιστορικά προσδιορισμένων και στενά συνδεδεμένων με το ζήτημα του ρατσισμού και των φυλετικών σχέσεων στις ΗΠΑ. Οι συγκρούσεις που έλαβαν
My edited volume Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism (University of Westminster, 2018) is now available. You can download a digital version (or purchase a physical copy) by clicking here. Contributors include: John Abromeit, Lars Rensmann, Samir Gandesha, Douglas Kellner, Stephen Eric Bronner, Charles Reitz, Jeremiah Morelock, Felipe Ziotti Narita, Christian
*Reblogged from Kurdish Solidarity Network, 11/10/2016. Today, in the 21st century, we live in a world where exploitation, oppression and basic human rights violations are at an increase and are being legitimized. As a result of capitalism, within political, economic and social life all kinds of inequality and injustices are
Der folgende Artikel von mir wurde zuvor in “Tsveyfl – dissensorientierte Zeitschrift” Nr. 1, 2017 veröffentlicht. ————————————————– “Wir treten ein für eine Flüchtlingspolitik, die menschenrechtliche Grundsätze ernst nimmt. Dazu bieten uns die anstehenden Wahlen keine Möglichkeit. Denn alle Parteien in Baden-Württemberg waren zuletzt Teil einer ganz großen Koalition, die massive