Everyday Absences

The turgid zone of the city, fulfilled with absences. In totality, it is the hemispheric pressure which pulls the masses. They move on or drop by. Yet, the invincible absence. North stays far from south. One is absent from the others domain. North gives the dictum, south obeys with slyness. Every day is same for … Read more

3 New Writings

Once upon a time The place seems so obsolete now. During winter, no light on the street after 9 P.M. I was told not to venture out. Ghostly demarcating field. The fear of getting caught for a cigarette. Joydip’s triumph in getting busted with alcohol. He cared a fig. Momentary lapses, juvenile sporting of selfied … Read more


Time’s immanent spacing. In waiting, time becomes hollowed out in space. Time’s curvature is futural. It denotes messianicity, time as hollowed up sequel to past longing. In waiting, time is immersive. Immersive in hollowed up spatial denotation. Space means nothing. Yet, for a while, when we think, spaces conjure up in a connotative sense. Waiting … Read more

Our Street

Stigma of being at home on the street! Being with for the other. Otherized zones are compensated for a thriving minute or two, onlookers. Street galore are remembrance of unadulterated toto company. With a bit of jostling, one wins the race. Camus faced gymnastic trigonometry are the solution, self company. Authors watch the deceased street … Read more


Beneath lies the Tory self of marginal echoes of hundred kilometre north point from the city. Ravaged radicalism finds its own short cut. I succumbed to it during 90’s. While on the other part of the globe, Frankfurt am Main. Some silly mistakes can get someone killed. “Khorcha” (Spent)! Janus face of life healing mechanism, … Read more

3 Writings

Religion ‘To Come’ Then Yama told Nachiketa “Don’t ask for Self-Knowledge; ask for some other boon.” Katha Upanishad Man seeks knowledge about self to traverse the corporeality of everything worldly. Only God is outside the realm of such corporeality. But can human get a firsthand knowledge of God? He who made everything from ‘word’ to … Read more


Such are the endeavours of human life; it excels in its own becoming. Yet, meagre if coined through the biggies like the solar system. Man’s hymns are in recluse. It is of the loving domain, the earthly. But in a moment of energetic passion, we compare it with the solar universal. Human loves are of … Read more


History’s derision is time out of immanent present. It mocks permanence. Historical laws derive its fortitude out of impermanence. Singular event absconds the law. Singularity in history pertains to the event, built by the historical forces. Man’s immanent universe is taken back seat, as the event rides the motion. Very soon the event fades; we … Read more

Everyday Ontology

Ontical is the necessity. Nature abounds in everyday. It is habit. Ten thousands year old nature’s negation of elliptical curve. Shrill sound of thunder. My windowpane not resolved in nothing. I seek. Post-deconstructive meta distils the thunder as life form. Life’s negation of eliipsis as formation of second status, habit. My cogito points to the … Read more

Troubadour Art

Solemn prayers for the passer by. They are stranded. Strange city of artlike embarrassing of lonely Troubadour. I loved the way of being with for the other. Self negotiated as the loner. Topsy turvy reckoning of withering away of sludgy democrats. City, the arty affair in-itself. The great phantasmagoria, the heterogeneity withers in non-notional. It … Read more