Inbetween World

How is it that we strike the full? It is our embarrassment that we know not how to distribute the consciousness to the object world around us? The grey matter of brain tells us that it is within and through the body that consciousness gains support to perceive the world around. But the teleology enmeshed … Read more

Messianic Explosivity

Things to do often offer us with a glimpse of future time. After-life of works are “for-itself” presencing of time forward, yet with a tinge of past metaphoric spaces. Past is a negative limit extension of “in-itself” presence of present. While Messianic explosivity comes down to present through past, a past without any signification of … Read more

Spaces of Immanence

Spaces journeys through its thorough stillness. It offers itself through its ad-hoc three dimensional pictoriality.  Pictoriality lands and shrinks its “for-itself” otherized selfhood into two-dimensional imagified immanent spacehood. Space as condensed rubric of objective truth maker is spatially denotative. In the realm of reflection, spaces are used to confer upon itself its own terms of … Read more


Dungeon hills through ad-hock admiration. The big hole never succumbs to nothingness. The substances never forget to nullify the big hole, yet the hole creates through the airy holes, nothing is forgotten for many ones. It is perceived also through the landscapes. The hole creates gaps in the land space. The land space corrugates as … Read more


Oblivious by-passers lanes are forgiven of its hereness. Cunning shrewd topsy-turvy here and now are the ad-mixtures of what is to be done! Lofty ideals are born to be sold, at random hands of beggar’s lane.  Beggars do survive. The meagre autonomy of delinquent is brought down as daddies curb their path. Marxism –du-papa! Nothingness … Read more

Delinquency Compartmentalized

Days are over, those guileful days of senselessness. Torpedo days of the suburb. Hundred kilometres north point from the city. Southern Globality enamoured in petrol bomb. Someone throwing a love –letter to his beloved. We kept calm. Easy habit of playing truant. The breadth of longitudinal friendship.  By them I knew the elliptical horizon. Sun … Read more

Subsumed Consumer

If the subject is objectified, thence the process of objectification rules the subjecthood of in process objectification of the subject.  Then the co-ordinates of objectified subject are in relation of sameness with the object. It is a relation of perfect identity, in a sense; sameness rejuvenates the identification of the objectified subject with the object … Read more

Movement in Space

Movement in space refers to objects that occupy spaces. Objectal reference to spaces refers back to distance between objects and movemental body. When the movemental body goes through or covers space the distance stays same between the movemental body and the so-called empty space. The distance increases between the movemental body and the objectal references. … Read more

In Pursuit of Sameness

In repetitive action the whole of the body is situated in space.  Yet, the prior earlier state of body situated in space is brought in a kind of spatial denotation. So, in repetition the body replaces the space and is conjured up in another space. Here the body is repeated.  Chalice of boredom faces repetition … Read more

On Realism

Real’s punctuation dethrones itself. It is through its ‘ism’ that real is questioned. In many ways, realism attacks the real, and its (real) modal verb is curbed, as realism occupies its junction, and disturbs the real. Realism is put into question, because the vivid outplay of detail, realism’s key modal play, makes real diminish. Through … Read more